Τεύχος 19 (2011)

Καλαμπούκας, Δ.: Ποικιλότητα στη δήλωση της ρηματικής όψης των λόγιων ρημάτων που παράγονται από το αρχαιοπινές άγω

Δημήτρης Καλαμπούκας - Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών This paper investigates the variation phenomenon pertaining to the formation of certain types of scholarly verbs derived from the archaistic verb άγω, practically obsolete in Modern Greek. The problem mainly concerns the morphological representation of some contrasts, which are associated with the grammatical category of verbal aspect, as well as with the reference form of the abstract verb lexeme, which in Greek is the 1st person singular of the Present Indicative. We first take a brief look at the grammatical category of verbal aspect, with emphasis on distinctions that are functional in the morphological system of Modern Greek. Then, we focus on the description and interpretation of the unconsummated linguistic change, providing an indicative survey of the trend based on electronic corpora, but without attempting to predict with certainty whether and when this change will be ended. Furthermore, we examine various attempts to arrest the current variability and to prescribe the morphology of these verbal forms in the frame of language standardization, since prescriptivism is a common practice in language communities with a long tradition of literacy and prestigious literary works and therefore with conservative and even reactionary metalinguistic beliefs. Finally, we try to illuminate the causes of several puristic and often deeply pessimistic estimates for the future of the Greek language, as well as the commonest arguments put forward by their followers in order to support them. ΛΕΞΕΙΣ-ΚΛΕΙΔΙΑ: γλωσσική μεταβολή, γλωσσικό «λάθος», κοινωνιογλωσσική ποικιλότητα, προτυποποίηση, ρηματική όψη
