Τεύχος 22 (2014)

Παρασκευή Θώμου: Λεξικό πολυλεκτικών λεξικών μονάδων (multi-word units) της Νέας Ελληνικής: Ένα εργαλείο για την υποστήριξη της διδασκαλίας της δεύτερης γλώσσας

A multi-word units dictionary of Modern Greek has been compiled for supporting the teaching of the Modern Greek language abroad. This is an electronic monolingual learners’ dictionary containing the multi-word units found in various textbooks that are used in teaching Modern Greek as a second and foreign language. In this paper we present the criteria used for collecting the entries of the dictionary and the reason why a multi-word units dictionary is an important tool supporting language teaching. Finally, the structure of the dictionary is presented with the aim of showing how recent approaches to pedagogical lexicography have been taken into consideration. ΛΕΞΕΙΣ-ΚΛΕΙΔΙΑ: δεύτερη γλώσσα, λεξικογραφία, πολυλεκτική λεξική μονάδα
