Τεύχος 24 (2016)

Δήμητρα Θεοφανοπούλου-Κοντού: Οι απότι-συγκριτικές δομές μερικής απαλοιφής συγκριτικού: Δομές καθ’ υπόταξη ή κατά παράταξη;

The paper examines the syntax of apοti-comparative subdeletion constructions in Modern Greek. It is argued that (i) apoti-subdeletion and deletion constructions do not constitute unified phenomena, “unified theory” being thus challenged, and (ii) apoti-subdeletion comparatives constitute hybrid and, consequently, marginal constructions. More precisely, they are semantically analyzed as subordinate structures (cf. dependence relation between the two degree terms, “relative” flavor of apoti), turning into coordinate-like structures with the matrix through apoti-XP raising (Lechner 2004). Criteria leading to this analysis are the recategorization of apoti, the isomorphism of the two clauses and its contrastive meaning. The position of apoti-constructions within the MG comparative system is further discussed with emphasis on the architecture of the comparative marker (apoti vs. ap’ o,ti).
