Ευγενία Δ. Παγκουρέλια & Μαρία Παπαδοπούλου: Επιχειρηματολογικές πρακτικές πολυτροπικών κειμένων: Δεξιότητες αποκωδικοποίησης και ερμηνευτικές προσπάθειες έφηβων μαθητών

Modern texts are made by means of a mixture of different semiotic modes introducing in this way new organization patterns of information, new communication practices and reading paths. This seems to be more interesting in the case of print advertisements, where the semiotic modes - combined under the argumentative scope - aim at the persuasion of potential readers. The current paper, having presented how meaning is interwoven in contemporary multimodal texts facilitating new reading paths and organization patterns aims to discuss whether students completing Greek secondary education are capable of understanding persuasion strategies used in multimodal texts.

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